Digital PR Outreach Boosts SEO for Healthcare Client with High-Authority Backlinks

This case study highlights how our targeted Digital PR outreach campaign helped boost SEO performance for a healthcare client by securing high-authority backlinks and improving keyword rankings.

Overview of the Case Study

In 2023, we partnered with a healthcare client to elevate their SEO through a focused Digital PR campaign. By securing high-authority backlinks and optimizing anchor text for targeted keywords, we saw significant improvements in site authority, rankings, and overall search visibility.


Average Site Authority of Links


Average Position for Anchor Text


High-Quality Backlinks Secured


Domain Authority Improvement

Challenges and Opportunities

The healthcare client’s website faced challenges with low authority and visibility for key industry-related terms. They needed a strategic push to improve their search rankings and overall domain authority, particularly for highly competitive keywords. Digital PR outreach presented an opportunity to secure authoritative backlinks and position the site as a trusted source in the healthcare space.

Solution #1

Competitor Reverse Engineering
We began by researching the client’s competitors and identifying authoritative healthcare websites where high-quality backlink opportunities existed. By analyzing industry-specific trends and top-performing competitors, we were able to strategically target relevant media outlets and publications that would offer maximum SEO value.

Solution #2

Targeted Digital PR Outreach Campaigns
We developed a targeted Digital PR outreach strategy aimed at securing backlinks from healthcare industry publications, news outlets, and authoritative websites. Our outreach focused on high-value media placements with an average domain authority of 61.5. Additionally, we ensured that anchor text matched the client’s targeted keywords to improve their ranking for high-traffic search terms.

Solution #3

Performance Monitoring and Continuous Outreach
Throughout the campaign, we monitored the performance of secured backlinks, tracking changes in site authority and keyword rankings. Over the year, we saw a 26% improvement in domain authority and a 15% increase in overall keyword rankings as a direct result of the 15+ backlinks secured.

The Results

The Digital PR campaign produced substantial SEO improvements for the healthcare client:

Improvement in Domain Authority Over The Course of The Year
+ %
Increase in Keyword Rankings From Targeted Anchor Text
+ %
Average Position Increase for Targeted Anchor Text
+ 1.8 %

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