Subfolder SEO Updates Lead to Unprecedented Keyword Growth

This case study showcases how optimizing the phone verification subfolder led to significant improvements in keyword rankings and search visibility for a leading data quality solutions provider.

SEMrush Keyword Growth

Overview of the Case Study

We partnered with a leading data quality software company to enhance the search visibility of their phone verification solutions. By strategically optimizing the content & metadata on the phone verification subfolder pages, we significantly increased the number of ranking keywords and page one rankings.


Page One Keywords


Top Three Position Keywords


Total Ranking Keywords


New Page One Keywords

Challenges and Opportunities

The company’s phone verification content was underperforming in search results, with limited visibility and low ranking keywords. The content in this subfolder needed optimization to better target high-value keywords and improve overall search engine performance.

Solution #1

Competitor Research and SERP Trend Analysis
Before developing our strategy, we conducted in-depth competitor research and analyzed SERP trends within the data verification industry. This allowed us to identify high-opportunity keywords competitors were ranking for and content gaps to target. By understanding how search engines were evolving, we tailored our subfolder content to align with both user intent and algorithmic changes, laying the groundwork for impactful keyword and content optimization.

Solution #2

Subfolder Content Optimization
We conducted a comprehensive audit of the phone verification subfolder, identifying opportunities to enhance the content by targeting relevant keywords, improving on-page SEO, and aligning the messaging with user intent.

Solution #3

Targeted Keyword Strategy
A strategic approach to keyword research and targeting was implemented to focus on high-volume, relevant terms for the phone verification industry. This helped ensure that the content aligned with user search behavior and improved its chances of ranking on page one.

The Results

Through the optimization of the phone verification subfolder, we achieved impressive results that significantly improved the company’s SEO performance:

Total Ranking Keyword Increase YoY
+ %
Total Page One Keyword Increase YoY
+ %
Top 3 Position Keyword Increase YoY
+ 0 %

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